
City in the Morning
10 am
Before you arrive
Our City in the Morning 10 am service is best described as varied. The mixing of ages from university students to retirees and the diversity of languages you may hear spoken are just two examples.
The service loosely follows a traditional structure while blending contemporary and traditional elements to engage the congregation in different ways. Songs might be led with the pipe organ or by a band. Everyone is welcome at City Church and we offer worship which seeks to make a place for all.
While our street address is listed as Northbourne Ave, the entrance to our worship space is off the plaza that can be accessed at the intersection of Northbourne Ave and Rudd St. For more information about parking, visit our Location page. From the plaza, the entire church complex is on one level and doors are wide enough for wheelchair access. The complex also has an accessible bathroom.
When you arrive
Some of our members in the foyer will greet you. You can obtain a copy of our weekly newsletter plus brochures about the church and a first attendee’s pack from these friendly folks. The morning worship gathering starts around 10 am but it is fine if you are a bit early or late. There is also no expected dress standard – everyone is accepted for who they are and how they choose to dress.
The worship space is immediately accessed from the foyer. Our seats are individual seats and there is no allocated seating. Sit wherever suits you.
During the service
There will be a designated worship leader, usually but not always one of the ministers. There will also be another who will take responsibility for the welcome, opening prayer and announcements. Worship begins as these two make their way to the front of the worship space. During worship, words and images are projected on the screen in the center of the stage. Parts that are said in prayers and readings by the whole congregation are usually in bold indented print or will be explained by the worship leader.
Generally, people remain seated through worship except when singing, or on special occasions when they are asked to stand by the worship leader. If you prefer not to stand or find it difficult to do so, you are very welcome to remain seated. Similarly, if you need to stand and move around or out into the foyer during the service, please do so. If you are a parent and you need a quiet place for your young one, feel free to use our parent room that is on the left side of the worship place as you enter. This room is free to use as you choose with your children and will allow you to still see and hear the service.
Our hope at City Uniting Church is that you find a place that is welcoming and accessible and where you may be encouraged, challenged, comforted and nurtured in life and in faith.
If you have any more questions feel free to email us at or visit our contact page