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What We Believe

GOD We believe in God whose very nature is love, who called this universe into being in love and who reaches out to embrace each and every being in love

JESUS We believe that God came to uniquely be with us in the person of Jesus. That in Jesus we learn of God’s unconditional welcome and the way of living abundantly. In the death and resurrection of Jesus, we discover the truth of God’s love that can bear all the pain and destruction of this world and which transcends even death

THE BIBLE We believe that the bible was written by women and men inspired by God’s Spirit and that God speaks to us through the Bible, guiding us in what it means to live faithfully as followers of Jesus, sharing in Jesus’ work of sharing God’s love with all

CARING FOR THE PLANET We believe God cares for all creation and that as followers of Jesus we have a vocation to actively do the same

JUSTICE We believe that God cares passionately for fairness and kindness in our world where all are treated well and resources are shared equably. At Canberra City Uniting Church we particularly, but not exclusively, share in God’s passion for justice through advocating for a fair and compassionate response to those who seek asylum on Australia’s shores and through commitment to the journey of reconciliation between the First and Second peoples of this continent

INCLUSION We believe in a God of welcome and seek to express that welcome through being a place where all people across the diversity of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, cultural and linguistic background, and ability may feel included and safe

MARRIAGE We believe that marriage is between two people regardless of sex or gender

SAFE CHURCH The Uniting Church affirms that all people are made in the image of God. The Uniting Church commits itself to the care, protection, and safety of all people with whom it comes in contact.  As a community of faith, we are committed to providing a safe environment for both children and adults to encounter God, to develop relationships as part of a community, and to grow in faith. For more info on this go to

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